Tuesday 19 February 2013

current affairs

1) Which country on September 2012 rejected allegations contained in a new international Atomic agency report that it is frustrating U.N inspection of a suspect military site by apparently scrubbing it clean?
1) Israel
2) North Korea
3) Pakistan
4) Iran

Ans 4

2) A Fire broke put in a nuclear Plant, the country's oldest plant, commissioned 40 years age, in north eastern france in September 2012.Which plant is in reference here?
1) Fessenheim
2) Flamanville
3) Penly
4) Amiens

Ans 1

3) Which Country on September 6, 2012 asked Foreign staff members of the international agency save the children to leave the country within a fortnight?
1) Syria
2) Iran
3) Pakistan
4) Afghanistan

Ans 3

4) A Conference of common wealth MPS and presiding officers of state/provinces was held in Which city in September 2012 in which 800 delegates from 53 countries and 179 branches participated?
1) Colombo
2) Toronto
3) Durban
4) New Delhi

Ans 1

5) Which country and its main leftist rebel group signed an accord in September 2012 to launch peace talks aimed at ending a stubborn, half-a-century-old conflict that has claimed tens of thousands of lives?
1) Colombia
2) Myanmar
3) Nepal
4) Chile

Ans 1

6) Who among the following on  September 2, 2012 bade a final farewell to prime minister Meles Zenawi, their leader of 21 years, who died on August 20, 2012
1) Ethiopians
2) Egyptians
3) Kenyans
4) Haitians

Ans 1

7) The President of which country in September 2012 called for creating a system of multiple reserve currencies to strengthen global financial stability and reduce dependence on U.S Dollar?
1) Russia
2) India
3) Germany
4) China

Ans 1

8) Nepal and which country in September 2012 released a Joint stamp depicting their countries contrasting geographic wonders, the highest and the lowest places on earth?
1) India
2) Isreal
3) Japan
4) Russia

Ans 2

9) Who on September 2012 9, 2012 announced his country's pivot to the east, vowing to expand trade with Pacific Rim countries and to focus on developing resource-rich far east?
1) Vladimir Putin
2) Binyamin Netanyahu
3) Barack obama
4) Angela Merkel

Ans 1

10) The Isreal cabinet in September 2012 voted to upgrade an educational institution in a west bank settlement to a fully-fledged university in a controversial step likely to fuel the international boycott movement. Which is that settlement in reference here?
1) Ariel
2) Haifa
3) Jerusalem
4) Jaffa

Ans 1

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