Monday 17 September 2012

Organisations And Summits 2012

Organisations And Summits 
4th BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) summit took place in India for the first time in march 2012 in New Delhi. The theme of the Summit was BRICS Partnership for Global Stability, Security and Prosperity. The BRICS nations Agreed on trade in and to set up a development bank. First BRIC summit took place in 2009 Yekaterinburg, Russia and in 2011 in Sa

nya, China. In 2011 S Africa joined and it became BRICS. Next summit in 2013 will take place in South Africa.
The 17th SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Summit held in Addu, Maldives with the theme of ‘Building Bridges’. Here members signed four agreements: 1. SAARC Agreement on Rapid Response to Natural Disasters, 2. SAARC Agreement on Multilateral Arrangement on Recognition of Conformity Assessment, 3. SAARC Agreement on Implementation of Regional Standards, 4. SAARC Seed Bank Agreement. 18th Summit will be held in Nepal in 2012. SAARC having 8 Members (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan (latest) was established in 1985 in Dhaka. Its secretariat is in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The Ninth BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India and China) Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change was held in Beijing, China. BASIC block was established in 2009 mainly to have a common position on the global Climate Change Negotiation.
The 12th India-EU Summit was held in New Delhi.
The 6th G20 (Major Economies) summit was held in Cannes, France in Nov. 2011. Important members of G 20 are European Union, India, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, China and South Africa, US, UK, France, Saudi Arab. Nest summit will be in June 2012 Los Cabos, Mexico.
The second nuclear security summit was held in Seoul, capital of South Korea. First summit took place in 2010 in Washington, USA whereas the Third will be in 2014 in Netherlands.
The sixth East Asia Summit (EAS) took place in Bali, Indonesia. EAS have 18 countries including ten ASEAN countries and China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, New Zealand, US and Russia.
20th ASEAN summit took place in April in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. ASEAN was established in 1967 by Singapore. Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines. Its Secretariat is in Jakarta. It is having 10 members. ASEAN+3 includes China, Japan and South Korea.
22nd Biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) took place in Perth, Australia, in Oct. 2011 under the theme “Building National Resilience, Building Global Resilience”. Indian delegation was led by Hamid Ansari and the absence of Indian PM was seen as a kind of Indian protest against Australia's decision of not selling uranium to India till India do not sign Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. Canadian PM Stephen Harper did not attended the last day of summit protesting against Srilanka being declared a host of CHOGM 2013. Indian Kamlesh Sharma was reappointed for second term as the Secretary General of Commonwealth for a four year. Proposal of India was seconded by Pakistan and was accepted unanimously by everybody.
In the Tshwane Declaration at 5th IBSA Summit in Pretoria the Leaders noted that the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Dialogue Forum brings together three large pluralistic, multi-cultural and multiracial
societies from three continents. The IBSA Dialogue Forum (India, Brazil, South Africa) was established in June 2003.
19th APEC Economic Leaders’ Summit Meeting took place in Honolulu, Hawaii Islands. 2012 meeting will be held in 2012 in Vladivostok, Russia. Headquarters of APEC is at Singapore and have 21 Members. India and Pakistan are not the members.
The Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum held in Davos.
The fifth edition of World Future Energy Summit 2012 will be held in Abu Dhabi.
India hosted the World Tiger Summit for first time in 2010 in Ranthambore (Rajasthan). Recently international tiger Forum took place in Russia.
P5 + 1 is five UN Security Council permanent members and Germany. P5+1 Discussing Iran’s Nuclear Programme with Iran.
Six Party Talks is going on to ask North korea to stop their Nuclear Programme. Six Party countries are US, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea and North Korea.
G4 is the group of 4 countries (India, France Brazil, and Germany) seeking permanent membership of security council. Coffee Club or Uniting for Consensus is the name of the group of countries opposing G4 proposal which includes Italy, Pakistan, Mexico, South Korea etc.,.
Important Publications
World Economic Outlook - IMF.
World Investment report - UNCTAD
World Development Report - World Bank
Asian development Outlook - Asian Development Bank
HDR 2011 with the theme of Sustainability and Equity: A Better Future for All studied 187 countries ( 185 out of 193 UN members and Hongkong and Palestine). India ranks 134 out of 187 countries in 2011 whereas India ranked 119 out of 169 countries in 2010. A steady progress in the country’s Human Development Index (HDI) value could be gauged from the 1.51 per cent growth achieved over the 1980-2011 time period. Albeit India’s Inequality adjusted HDI (IHDI) fell from 0.392 in 2010 to 0.365 in 2011 indicating the loss due to the rising inequality . India’s Gender Inequality Index value is 0.617 and it ranks 129 out of 146 countries in this measure. The Multidimensional Poverty Index value is 0.283 for India and as per this 53.7% population of India is BPL. Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), which featured in the HDR 2011 and covered 109 developing countries, was launched on 2 November 2011. MPI was developed in 2010 by Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative and the UNDP. The MPI identifies deprivations across health, education and living standards, and shows the number of people who are multidimensionally poor and the deprivations that they face at the household level. It uses following ten indicators across three dimensions.

The Human Development Index (HDI) measures the average achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life (Life Expectancy at birth) , access to knowledge (Education) and a decent standard of living (Per Capita Income). These three dimensions are put on a scale of 0 to 1, where greater is better.
Some Important Ranks in HDR 2011: 1st Norway, 2nd Australia, 3rd Netherlands, 4th United States, 66th Russia, 84th Brazil, 97th Sri Lanka, 101 China, 123 South Africa, 124 Indonesia, 134 India, 141 Bhutan, 142 Solomon Islands, 145 Pakistan, 146 Bangladesh, 149 Myanmar, 172 Afghanistan and 187th Democratic Republic of the Congo.
First ever HDR was published in 1990 by the efforts of Mehboob Ul haque of Pakistan assisted by Amartya Sen

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