Sunday 14 October 2012

One Liner G K (Indian History)

1. In which province, the first signs of unrest appeared early in 1857 --> Bengal

2. Who was the leader of the revolt of 1857 in Kanpur --> Nana Saheb

3. Who was the leader of 1857 mutiny in Assam --> Diwan Mani Ram Datta

4. " Sardar Malla" a leader of farmer's revolt in 1857 hailed from which place------> Mysore

5. Who started Kuka Movement in 1840 --> Guru Ram Singh

6. Who was the originator of Indian Awakening --> Raja Ram Mohan Roy

7. Who established TatvaBodhini Sabha --> Devendra Nath Tagore

8. Marco Polo who traveled India during 1298-1292 AD from Italy. During whose reign did he come --> Pandya

9. " Mulk-e-Kadim" was other name of which kingdom --> Maratha Kingdom

10. What was the importance of Mallik Amber in Maratha Kingdom --> he gave training of Guerilla war to Marathas

11. How many forts were returned by Shivaji in Purandhar Treaty --> 23 out of 35 forts

12. Who established Dal Khalsa --> Kapur Singh

13. Who was the leader of the Jat revolt against Aurangazeb --> Gokul

14. From which mines Kohinoor Diamond was found --> Golkunda

15. Whose reign was called the Golden Age of Mughal Era --> Shahjahan

16. 12 rules of conduct " Dastur-ul-Amal were of which mughal emperor --> Jahangir

17. " mansur " was a great painter in whose reign in Mughal Era --> Jahangir

18. " Kariraj" was a title to given whom and by whom --> Akbar to Birbal

19. Who was the first to adopt Din-i-ilahi --> Birbal

20. During the Medieval India who was the only Hindu King to sit on throne of Delhi --> Hemu

21. " Barid-i-Mamalik" was a department established by Shershah Suri . What this department dealt with --> Intelligence

22. Which medieval book was written by Gulbadan Beghum --> Humayunnama

23. Mansabdari system was started by Akbar after which victory --> Gujarat Victory

24. Who adopted the policy of " Hindu-pad-padshahi" --> Balaji Vishavanath

25. " What was Bhandarvada" --> land of Marathas known as in Medieval India

26. In the second round table conference, who represented Congress --> Mahatma Gandhi

27. The famous Bull Seal of Indus Valley Civilization is found at which place --> Mohen Jo Dero

28. In which province Muslim League formed their first government after 1946 elections --> Bengal

29. Which was the Capital of Mughul Empire --> Delhi

30. Who was Tipu Sultan`s father --> Hyder Ali

31. Din-E-Illahi was a religion founded by which emperor --> Akbar

32. Which leader succumbed to injuries in a lathi charge during a protest against the Simon Commission in 1928 --> Lala Lajpat Rai

33. In which year did the first war of Indian Independence took place --> 1857

34. This Indian ruler collected taxes labelled as ‘chauth’ and ‘sardeshmukhi’ --> Shivaji

35. Which famous organisation in the history of Indian independence was founded by Rashbehari Bose --> INA

36. In which Indian city did Shivaji marry --> Bangalore

37. Which British General was responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre --> General Dyer

38. To avenge whose death did Bhagat Singh shoot and kill General Saunders --> Lala Lajpat Rai

39. Which of India's greatest freedom fighters got his name because his familywere originally sellers of perfume --> Gandhi from gandha 40. The Chipko movement was found to save trees from destruction. By what name was it known inKarnataka --> Appiko Movement

41. The Hindi classic Padmavat was a work by a Muslim Writer. Name him --> Malik Muhammad Jaisi

42. Kitab-i-rehla is a work by a foreign traveler as an account of his travels. What is the name --> Ibn Batutah

43. " Sulva Sutras" are related to which branch of mathematics --> Geometry

44. Ustad Mansur as a painter started his career during the last few years of which mughal emperor reign as a minor painter --> Akbar

45. The Montague-Chelmsford Reforms were reforms introduced by the British Government in India in 1919. What was their objective --> introduce self-governing institutions to India

46. In which year Queen Victoria's Proclamation assuming the Government of India took place --> 1858

47. Tahqiq-i-hind was a work of which foreign traveler --> Al Beruni

48. Hartog Commission was for the reforms in the area of which field --> Education

49. Fraser commission in 1902 was related to reforms in --> Police

50. The Doctrine of Lapse was an annexation policy devised by which Governor General of India --> Lord Dalhousie

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