Tuesday 29 January 2013

Ancient History

1. The crops cultivated by the Harappans included
a) wheat, barley and mustard b) barley, groundnut and rice
c) wheat, rice and sugarcane d) wheat, cotton and sugarcane
2. Consider List I and List II
List I List II
A. Ropar Easternmost site
B. Bhagatrav Southernmost site
C. Alamgirpur Northernmost site
D. Sutkagendor Westernmost site
Which of the above are correctly matched? Choose the answer from the code given below:
a) A, B and C b) B, C and D d) A and D d) C and D
3. Correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List I List II
(Ancient name of river) (Modern name of river)
A. Vitasta 1. Chenab
B. Askini 2. Beas
C. Parushin 3. Jhelum
D. Vipas 4. Sutlej
5. Ravi
a) 3 5 4 2
b) 2 1 5 3
c) 3 1 5 2
d) 2 5 4 3
4. The God with three heads and horns, surrounded by animal, represented on a seal from Mohenjodaro is said to be
a) Varuna b) Indra c) Vishnu d) Pasupati
5. Match List I with List II and select the answer using the codes given below
List I List II
I. Male Torso A. Harappa
II. Red sandstone B. Mohenjodaro
III. Terracotta cart C. Mehrgarh
IV. Copper rhinoceros D. Daimabad
a) I – A, II – B, III – C, IV – D b) I – B, II – A, III – D, IV – C
c) I – D, II – C, III – B, IV – A d) I – A, II – B, III – D, IV – C
6. Which of the following characterized the later Vedic Period?
A. Extensive burning of forest B. Manufacture of iron artifacts
C. Knowledge of Season C. Large scale irrigation
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below
a) A, B and C b) A, B and D c) A, C and D d) B, C and D
7. Consider the following statement about the Rig Vedic age:
A. There was no purdah system B. Women often performed sati
C. Girls were given in marriage only after puberty
D. Girls sometime had on their own chosen their husbands
a) A and B only are true b) B and C only are true c) A, B and C are true d) A, C and D are true
8. Which of the following is an Upanishad?
a) Aitreya b) Vijasena c) Chandogya d) Krishna Karnamruta
9. Match the following
List I List II
A. Rig Veda I. Gopatha Brahmana
B. Yajur Veda II. Aitaraya Brahmana
C. Sama Veda III. Satapata Brahmana
D. Atharva IV. Chandogya Veda Brahmana
10. Match the following:
List I List II
A. Manu Smiriti 1. Explanatory notes on Vedic mantras
B. Sutras 2. Secular subjects
C. Upvedas 3. Customs and rituals
D. Brahmanas 4. Code of law
a) 4 3 2 1
b) 2 3 4 1
c) 4 2 1 3
d) 2 1 4 3
11. Ashoka’s contemporary Greek King of Syria mentioned in his edicts, was
a) Antiochus II theos b) Ptolemy II c) Antigonas d) Alexander
12. Which of the following are mentioned in Asokan inscriptions?
a) Cholas, Cheras, Pandyas and Pallavas b) Cholas, Satyaputras, Cheras and Pandyas
c) Pandyas, Satyaputras, Andhras and Cheras d) Cholas, Pandyas, Bhojas and Andhras
13. In the Mauryan Period, free labourers working for a regular wage in guilds were known as
A. Bhritakas or bhatakas B. Kupyas C. Karamkaras D. Jethakas
Choose the answer from code given below
a) A and B c) A and C c) C and D d) C only
14. The Ashokan inscription which gives an account of the Kalinga war and its effect is
a) Girnar Rock Edict b) Minor Rock Edict III c) Minor Rock Edict IV d) Minor Rock Edict XIII
15. The name of the mother-goddess Uma appears on the coins of’
a) Kunindas b) Indo-Greeks c) Kushanas d) Gupta
16. King Kanishka held a great Buddhist Council under whose presidentship?
a) Asvaghoshla b) Sangharaksha c) Nagasena d) Vasu Mitra
17. The Gupta gold and silver issue were initially based on the coins of the
a) Roman and the Saka Kshatrapas b) Kushana and Yaudheyas
b) Kushana and Saka Kshatrapas d) Roman and Kushanas
18. The post-Gupta social structure in north India was marked by the
a) growing importance of women b) lessening of untouchability
c) proliferation d) revival of slavery
19. The ultimate ownership of land during the post-Gupta period lay with
a) the cultivator b) the village community c) the king d) the joint family
20. Navanitakam of the Gupta period was a book on
a) astronomy b) mathematics c) medicine d) metallurgy
21. The exploits of Samudragupta are record on the
a) Mehrauli iron pillar inscription b) Allahabad iron pillar inscription
c) Gaya copper plate inscription d) Hathi Gumpha inscription
22. The Gupta coins give us information about the
a) chronology and territory of the Guptas b) personal lives, tastes and hobbies of the Guptas
c) script and science of metallurgy of the Guptas d) economic condition of the Gupta period
Choose the answer from the codes below
a) A, B and C b) B, C and D c) A, C and D d) All of these
23. Which of the following non-Gupta inscription give us information about the Gupta?
A. Inscription of Kadambas B. Those of the Verman dynasty
C. Those of Hunas D. Those of the Chalukyas
E. Those of the Rashtrakutas
Choose the answer from the codes below
a) All of them b) A, B and C c) A, B, C and E d) B, C, D and E
24. During the period of Harshavardhana , the field were watered by the post of the ghati-yantra. This is known the writings of
a) Hiuen Tsang b) Bana c) Subhandhu d) Dandin
25. Hiuen Tsang found Jainism flourishing in
a) Orissa b) Kashmir c) Bengal d) Bihar
26. The first Tamil Sangam is said to have been instituted by
a) Tiruvalluvar b) Parasurama c) Mamulanar d) Agastya
27. Which of the following is correctly matched?
List I List II
Dynasties Rulers
a) Chera KIarikala
b) Chola Simuka
c) Pandya Nedunchezhian
d) Satavahna Senguttuvan
28. Which of the following were epics in early Tamil literature?
a) Tolkappiyam and Tirrukkural b) Ahananuru and Purananuru
c) Padirruppattu and Maduraikkanchi d) Silappadikaram and Manimekhalai
29. Consider the following administrative units of Chola Kingdom
1. Kottam 2. Uru 3. Valanadu
In terms of their size, which is the correct sequence of these in descending order
a) 1 – 3 – 2 b) 3 – 1 – 2 c) 2 – 1 – 3 d) 3 – 2 – 1
30. The literature of the Sangam Age was written mostly in the form of
a) prose b) poetry c) drama d) All of these

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (d)
8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (b)
15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (d) 21. (d)
22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (d)
29. (b) 30. (c)

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