Thursday 31 January 2013

Mission CDS-2013

Mission CDS -2013
1.         Which of the following are true regarding Indo-Bhutan relation in electoral field?
            A. The Chief Election Commission of Indian and Bhutan have signed a MoU to facilitate exchange of knowledge and experience, information , material, expertise and technical knowhow, training of personnel and development of human resource in electoral matters and also for taking up joint initiative and providing assistance to others.
            B. The memorandum of Understanding is for a period of ten years.
            C. The Chief Election Commissioner of India offered to create a SAARC Resource Centre at the Indian International Institute of Democracy and Election Management.
            D. The Chief Election Commissioner of Bhutan is Dasho Kunzang Wangdi.
            a) A, B and C                              b) B, C and D                          c) A, C and D                          d) All of these
2.         Which of the following statement about Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is/ are true?
            1. Since 1995, Transparency International (TI) publishes the corruption perception index (CPI) annually.
            2. The CPI ranks 178 countries “on a scale from 0 (very clean) to 10  (highly corrupt).”
            3. India has fallen three places to 87th in Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index with a score of 3.3.
            4. Denmark, Sweden and Singapore have jointly occupied the number one position.
            a) 1 and 2 only                            b) 1, 3 and 4 only    c) 2 and 4 only                        d) 1, 2 and 3 only
3.         The Indian navy on 20th August Commissioned its new stealth frigate, built indigenously at mazagon dockyard Ltd. Mumbai under project-17. It’s name is
            a) Ins Shyadari                            b) Ins Shiwalit                         c) Ins Satpura                          d) None of these
4.         In the draft lokpal bill, the lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha unanimously resolved to endorse key ideas that social activist Anna Hazare had insisted to be included in the draft Lokpal bill. Which among the following ideas are included:
            1. Citizen charter
            2. Lower bureaucracy also to be lokpal through appropriate mechanism.
            3. Established of a Lokayukta in the states.
            Which Correct option is
            a) 1 and 2 only                            b) 1 and 3 only                        c) 2 and 3 only                        d) 1, 2, and 3
5.         Name of State of Orissa changed to Odisha, and Oriya language change to Odia by a constitutional amendment. The amendment is
            a) 111th constitutional amendment bill                        b) 112th constitutional amendment bill
            c) 113th constitutional amendment bill                        d) 114th constitutional amendment bill
6.         Consider the following statement.
            1. Swabhiman Scheme is Launched in which 5 crore, zero balance. Saving bank account will be opened.
            2. ‘Kolkata Metro’ became the 17th zone of Indian Railway.
            Select the correct answer
            a) Only 1                                     b) only 2                                 c)Both 1 and 2                        d) Niether 1, nor 2
7.         Match column I with column II
            Column I (Scheme)
            A. SABLA (Rajiv Gandhi Scheme Empowerment of Adolescent Girls or RESEAG).
            B. SWADHAR
            C. JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission)
            D. Bharat Nirman
            Column II (Department)
            1. Ministry of Women and Child Development
            2. Ministry of Human Resource Development
            3. Ministry of Urban Development
            4. Ministry of Rural Development

                A             B             C             D
            a) 1              2              3              4
            b) 4              3              2              1
            c) 1              4              3              2
            d) 2              3              1              4
8.         Recently Election Commission has added one more clause to the existing clause for the recognition of a state party.
            Which one of the following is correct?
            a) Even if a party fails to win any seat in a State in a general election to the Lok Sabha, the party will still be eligible for recognition as State Party if it secures 8% or more of the total valid votes polled.
            b) Even if a party fails to win any seat in a State in a general election to the Lok Sabha or Legislative Assembly of the State, the party will still be eligible for recognition as State Party if it secures 10% or more of the total valid votes polled in the State.
            c) Even if a party fails to win any seat in a State in a general election to the Legislative Assembly of the State, the party will still be eligible for recognition as State Party if it secures 10% or more of the total valid votes polled in the State.
            d) Even if a party fails to win any seat in a State in a general election to the Lok Sabha or Legislative Assembly of the State, the party will still be eligible for recognition as State Party if it secures 8% or more of the total valid votes polled in the State.
9.         Which one of the following military exercise has been matched correctly?
            a) Shakti;                                     Indo-France
            b) Eastern Bridge:                       Indo-Oman
            c) Sudarshan Shakti                     India-USa
            d) Indra                                       India-Russia
10.       Which among the following statement are correct?
            1. Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban-Treaty (CTBT) bans all nuclear explosions in all environment for civil and nuclear purposes. It was signed on September 10, 1996. India, North Korea and Pakistan have no signed it.
            2. India, Pakistan and Israil did not sign on NPT (Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty) while north Korea acceded to the Treaty violated it and in 2003 withdraw from it.
            Select the correct answer
            a) 1 only                                      b) 2 only                                 c) Both 1 and 2                       d) Neither 1 nor 2
11.       Match the column I with Column II
            Column I (organization)
            A. Asia Development Bank (ADB)
            B. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
            C. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
            D. BIS (Bank of International Settlement)
            Column II (Headquarters)
            1. Manadaluyong (Philippines)  2. Kathmandu (Nepal)            3. Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)        4. Basil (Switzerland)
            (a) A-1,  B-2, C-3,  D-4              (b) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1            (c) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4            (d) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

12.       Cabinet recently approved the increase in India’s quata International Monetary find. In this context consider the following statements.
            1. All the BRIC countries will now be among the 10 largest quota shareholders at the IMF.
            2. India’s gain in terms of quota share is the seventh largest.
            3. India’s quota share now stands at 2.75% making it the 10th largest quota holding country at the IMF.
            Select the correct code
            a) 1 and 2                                    b) 1 and 3                                c) 1 and 3                                                d) All of these
13.       The Task Force set up for direct transfer of subsidies under National Nilekani has submitted the recommendation.
            Which of the following is not one of the recommendations?
            1. Constitution of a National Information Utility which will be called the Public Distribution system Network (PSDN).
            2. Participation of the State in the PDSN would be mandatory and would help create a common integrate platform to monitor the PDS network.
            3. The IT strategy need to be implemented in two phases – phase I: Information visibility transparency and Phase II: Core subsidy Management system.
            Select the correct code
            a) 1 and 2                                    b) 1 and 3                                c) 2 and 3                                                d) All of these
14.       Consider the following statement
            1. Credit risk guarantee  fund scheme (CGFS) seeks to address the issue of credit to the MSME sector during the period of stress.
            2. Officer Training Academy’s third branch inaugurated at Nalanda
            Which is/are correct?
            a) 1 only                                      b) 2 only                                 c) Both 1 and 2                       d) Neither 1 nor 2
15.       Consider the following recommendations of Ashoke Chawla Committee on pricing on natural resources
            1. Create a National Data Repository for petroleum exploration.
            2. Future telecom license should floated as differentiated license and spectrum should be inherent part of suchj license.
            3. Need to create a comprehension national legislation to deal with all water related issue.
            4. Competitive and transparent e-auctioning of land.
            Select the correct code:
            a) 1, 2 and 3                                                b) 2, 3 and 4                            c) 1, 3 and 4                            d) All of the above
16.       This ‘Fertile Crescent’ comprised of
            1. Egypt                                      2. Syria                                    3. Iraq                                      4. Jordan 5. Lebanon
            a) 1, 2, 3 and 5                            b) 1, 2, 4 and 5                        c) 1, 3, 4 and 5                        d) All
17.       “Sense of Ending” is a book by
            a) Carol Birch                              b) Amitabh Ghosh                  c) Julian Barnes                       d) Lance Ghose
18.       The Election Commission its landmark verdict on “paid news” disqualified Umlesh Yadav, an MLA from Bisaulti. The verdict has potential consider the following statement.
            1. It will help restore the credibility of the news media and motivate jouralist
            2. It will help empower the public as it now has recourse against the abuse of money power.
            3. It will act as a deterrent against obscene spending during elections.
            a) 1 and 2                                    b) 1 and 3                                c) 2 and 3                                                d) all
19.       “Snow White” is
            a) A movement initiated in Siberia to save the white tigers.
            b) The name of the third research station of India at Antartica.
            c) A dwarf planet laying in Kuiper belt which belived to have atmosphere.
            d)  The name of an avalanche which created havoc in the Wellington city of New Zealand
20.       Which country recently won the Rugby World Cup?
            a) England                                   b) South Africa                       c) New Zealand                       d) Australia

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