Friday 4 January 2013

CDS solved papers

Combined Defence Services Examination

1. If p(x) is a common multiple of degree 6 of the polynomials f(x) =x³+x²-x-1 and g(x)= x³+x²-x-1. Then which one of the following is correct?
a)      P(x)=(x-1)² (x+1)² (x²+1)
b)      P(x)=(x-1) (x+1) (x²+1)
c)      P(x)=(x-1)³ (x+1) (x²+1)
d)      P(x)=(x-1)² (x4+1)

2. If the roots of the equation x²-2ax+a²+a-3=0 are real and less than 3, then which one of the following is correct?
a)      a < 2
b)      2<a<3
c)      3<a<4
d)      A>4

3. Two students A and B solve an equation of the form x²+px+q=0. A starts with a wrong value of p and obtains the roots as 2 and 6. B starts with a wrong value of q and gets the roots as 2 and -9. What are the correct roots of the equation?
a)      3 and -4
b)      –3 and -4
c)      -3 and 4
d)      3 and 4

4. Consider the following
        I.            sin²1◦+cos²1◦=1
     II.            sec²33◦-cot²57◦=cosec²37◦-tan²53◦
which of the above statement is/are correct?
a)      I only
b)      II only
c)      Both I and II
d)      Neither I nor II
5. If p=a sin x + b cos and q= a cos x- b sin x, then what is the value of p²+q²?
a)      a+1
b)      ab
c)      a²+b²
d)      a²-b²

6. Statement I Let the side DE of a Δ DEF be divided at S, so that DS/DE=½. If a line through S parallel to EF meets DF at T, then the area of Δ DEF is twice the area of the ΔDST.

Statement II The area of the  similar triangles are proportional to the squares on the corresponding sides. Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
a)      Both statements I and II are true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I.
b)      Both statements I  and II are true but statement II is not the correct explanation of statement I
c)      Statement I is true but statement II  is false.
d)      Statement II is true but statement II is false.

7. What is the value of k that (2x-1) may be a factor of 4x4-(k-1)x³+kx²-6x+1?
a)      8
b)      9
c)      12
d)      13

8. If 196 x4=x6, then x³ is equal to which one of the following?
a)      x6/14
b)      14x4
c)      x²/14
d)      14x²

9. The sides of a parallelogram are 12cm and 8cm long and one of the diagonals is 10cm long. If d is the length of other diagonal, then which one of the following is correct?
a)      d< 8cm
b)      8cm<d<10cm
c)      10cm<d<12cm
d)      D>12cm

10.The base of a triangular wall is 7 times its height. If the cost of painting the wall at Rs 350 per 100sq m is Rs 1225, then what is the base length?
a)      50 m
b)      70 m
c)      75 m
d)      100 m

Direction (Q. Nos. 11-12) The areas of the ends of a frustum of a pyramid are P and Q where P<Q and H is its thickness.

11. What is difference in radii of the ends of the frustum?
a)      √Q-√P⁄√
b)      √Q-√P⁄
c)      √Q-√P
d)      None of these

12. What is the volume of the frustum?
a)      3H(P+Q+√PQ)
b)      H(P+Q+√PQ)
c)      H(P+Q+√PQ)/3
d)      H(P+Q-√PQ)/3

13.What number should be added to 231228 to make it exactly divisible by 33?
a)      1
b)      2
c)      3
d)      4

14. Let AB be a line segment such that a point P on the locus satisfies AB²-AP²-BP²=0. What is the locus?
a)      The straight line AB itself
b)      The perpendicular bisector of AB
c)      A straight line parallel  to AB
d)      A circle

15. If 2x+3y≤6,x≥0,y≥0, then one of the solution is
a)      X=-2 and y=3
b)      X=1 and y=2
c)      X=1 and y=1
d)      X=-1 and y=-1

16. A number consists of two digits. The sum of the digits is 10. On reversing the digits of the number , the number decreases by 36. What is the product of the two digits?
a)      21
b)      24
c)      36
d)      42

17. Which one among the following is not correct?
a)      Two congruent triangles are necessarily similar.
b)      All equiangular triangles are similar
c)      Two isosceles right triangles are similar
d)      All isosceles triangles are similar

18. ABCD is a rhombus with diagonals AC and BD. Then, which one among the following is correct?
a)      AC and BD bisect each other but not necessarily perpendicular to each other.
b)      AC and BD are perpendicular to each other but not necessarily bisect each other.
c)      AC and BD bisect each other and perpendicular to each other.
d)      AC and BD neither bisect each other nor perpendicular to each other.

19. The sum of a number and its reciprocal is 10/3, then the numbers are
a)      3, 1/3
b)      3, -1/3
c)      -3,1/3
d)      -3,-1/3

20. Which one among the following statements is correct?
a)      Simple bar diagrams are those diagrams which show two characteristics of the data.
b)      In pie diagrams all the items are converted into angles.
c)      A bar diagrams is one in which data are shown in terms of bars.
d)      Bar diagrams present data through length and breadth.

21. The following characteristic relate to the person participating in athletic events
        I.            Height of the person
     II.            Colour of the eye of the person
   III.            Number of times a person correctly hits a target in ten attempts.
Which of the following in respect of the above is correct?
a)      I is a continuous variable, II is not a variable and III is a discrete variable
b)      I is a continuous variable , II and III are discrete variables.
c)      I and III are discrete variables and II is not a variable.
d)      I , II and III all are discrete variable.

22. Consider the following statements
        I.            The data collected by the investigator to be used by himself are called primary data.
     II.            The data obtained from government agencies are called secondary data
Which of the above statements is/are corrects?
a)      Only I
b)      Only II
c)      Both I and II
d)      Neither I nor II

23. Which one among the following statements is not corrects?
a)      For size of readymade garments, mode is the best suitable measure.
b)      For average rate of increase when the rate of population growth is given, geometric mean is best suitable.
c)      For average rate of speed when different distances are covered by different rates of speed, harmonic mean is best  suitable.
d)      For average level of intelligence of students in a class, arithmetic mean is the best suitable.

24.If the surface area of a sphere is 616 sq cm, what is its volume?
a)      431/2/3 cu cm
b)      4102/3 cu cm
c)      1257 cu cm
d)      1023 cu cm

25. What are the dimensions (length, breadth and height, respectively) of a cuboid with volume 720 cu cm, surface area 484  sq cm and the area of the base 72 sq cm?
a)      9,8 and 10 cm
b)      12,6 and 10 cm
c)      18, 4 and  10cm
d)      30, 2 and  12cm

26. consider the following statements
        I.            Every composite number is a natural number.
     II.            Every whole number is a natural number
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
a)      Only I
b)      Only II
c)      Both I and II
d)      Neither I nor II

27. Consider the following statements
        I.            Vertically opposite angles are equal
     II.            Vertically opposite angles are supplementary
   III.            Adjacent angles are complementary
Which of the statements given above is/are correctly?
a)      Only III
b)      Only I
c)      I and II
d)      II and III

28.  A large solid metallic cylinder whose radius and height are equal to each other is to be melted and 48 identical solid balls are to be recast from the liquid metal so formed. What is the ratio of the radius of a ball to the radius of the cylinder?
a)      1 : 16
b)      1 : 12
c)      1 : 8
d)      1 : 14

29. The geometric mean of vitiates 32, 4, 8, x, 2 or 8. What is the value of vitiate x?
a)      2
b)      4
c)      8
d)      16

30. In the Δ ABC the base BC is trisected at D and E. the line through d, parallel to AB, meets AC at F and the line through E parallel to AC meets AB at G. let EG and DF intersect at H. what is the ratio of the sum of the area of the parallelogram AGHF and the area of the Δ DHE to the area of the ΔABC?
a)      ½
b)      1/3
c)      ¼
d)      1/6

31. A cardboard sheet in the form of a circular sector of radius 30 cm and central angle 144◦ is folded to make a cone. What is the radius of the cone?
a)      12 cm
b)      18 cm
c)      21 cm
d)       None of these

32. Two transversals S and T cut a set of distinct parallel lines. S cuts the parallel lines in points A,B,C,D and T cuts the parallel lines in points E,F,G and G, respectively. If AB=4, CD=3 and EF=12, then what is length of GH?
a)      4
b)      6
c)      8
d)      9

33. If the area of a circle is equal to the area of a square with side 2√units, what is the diameter of the circle?
a)      1 unit
b)      2 units
c)      4 units
d)      8 units

34. If x +1/x=a, then what is the value of x³+x²+1/x³+1/x²?
a)      a³+a²
b)      a³+a²-5a
c)      a³+a²+3a-2
d)      a³+a²-4a-2

35. From the top of a cliff 200 m high, the angles of depression of the top and bottom of a tower are observed to be 30◦ and 45◦, respectively. What is the height of the tower?
a)      400 m
b)      400√3 m
c)      400 / √3 m
d)      None of these

36. If x³+5x² +10k leaves remainder -2x when divided by x²+2, then what is the value of k?
a)      -2
b)      -1
c)      1
d)      2

37. If one of the roots of quadratic equation 7x²-50x +k=0 is 7, then what is the value of k?
a)      7
b)      1
c)      50/7
d)      7/50
38. If a×=b, by=c and xyz=1, then what is the value of C³?
a)      a
b)      b
c)      ab
d)      a/b

39. Let ABCD be a parallelogram. Let m and n be positive integers such that n<m<2n. Let AC=2 mn and BD =m²-n². Let AB =(m²+n²)/2.
Statement I AC>BD
Statement II ABCD is a rhombus.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
a)      Both statements I and II are true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I.
b)      Both statements I and II are true but statement II are true but statement II is not the correct explanation of statement I.
c)      Statement I is true but statement II is false.
d)      Statement II is true but statement I is false.

40. A square, a circle and an equilateral triangle have same perimeter.
Consider the following statement
            I.            The area of square is greater than the area of the triangle.
         II.            The area of circle is less than the area of triangle.
Which of the statements is/are correct?
a)      Only I
b)      Only II
c)      Both I and II
d)      Neither I nor II

41. The expression sin² x + cos² x -1 =0  is satisfied by how many values of x?
a)      Only one value of x?
b)      Two values of x
c)      Infinite values of x
d)      No value of x

42. The area of a rectangle whose length is 5 more than twice its width is 75 sq units. What is the perimeter of the rectangle ?
a)      40 units
b)      30 units
c)      24 units
d)      20 units

43. Two numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. If 9  is added to each number, they will be in the ratio 3 : 4. What is the product of the two numbers?
a)      360
b)      480
c)      486
d)      512

44. Consider the following statements in respect of an equilateral ΔABC.
        I.            There is a point  P inside the ΔABC such that each of its sides subtends an angle of 120◦at P.
     II.            There is a point P inside the ΔABC such that the ΔPBC is obtuse angled and A is the orthocenter of ΔPBC.
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
a)      Only I
b)      Only II
c)      Both I or II
d)      Neither I nor II

45. What is the value of
a)      1
b)      2
c)      3
d)      4

46. The curved surface area of a right circular cone of radius 14 cm is 440 sq cm. what is the slant height of the cone?
a)      10 cm
b)      11 cm
c)      12 cm
d)      13 cm

47. If the volume of a cube is 729 cu cm, what is the  length of its diagonal?
a)      9√2 cm
b)      9√3 cm
c)      18 cm
d)      18√3 cm

48. The altitude of an equilateral triangle is √3 cm. what is its perimeter?
a)      3 cm
b)      3√3 cm
c)      6 cm
d)      6√3 cm

49. The area of an equilateral triangle is √3 cm. what is its perimeter?
a)      2a²
b)      3a²
c)      4a²
d)      5a²

50. The total surface area of a cube is 150sq cm. what is its volume?
a)      64 cu cm
b)      81 cu cm
c)      125 cu cm
d)      160cu cm

51. The HCF and LCM of two natural numbers are 12 and 72, respectively. What is the difference between the two numbers, if one of the numbers is 24?
a)      12
b)      18
c)      21
d)      24

52. A person sold an article for Rs. 136 and got 15% loss. Had he sold it for Rs x, he would have got a profit of 15%.
Which one of the following is correct?
a)      190< x < 200
b)      180 < x < 190
c)      170 < x < 180
d)      160 < x < 170

53. Consider the following statements
        I.            The angular measure in radian of an circular arc of fixed length subtending at its centre decreases, if the radius of the arc increases.
     II.            1800◦is equal to dian
Which of the statement is /are correct?
a)      Only I
b)      Only II
c)      Both I and II
d)      Neither I nor II

54. There are two taps A and B to fill up a water tank. The tank can be filled in 40min, if both taps are on. The same tank can be filled in 60 min, if tap A alone is on. How much time will tap B alone take, to fill up the same tank?
a)      64 min
b)      80 min
c)      96 min
d)      120 min

55. The pair of numbers which are relatively prime to each other is
a)      (68, 85)
b)      (65, 91)
c)      (92,85)
d)      (102, 153)

56. How many rational numbers are there between 1 and 1000?
a)      998
b)      999
c)      1000
d)      Infinite

57. The sum of two numbers is 20 and their product is 75. What is the sum of their reciprocals?
a)      1/15
b)      1/5
c)      4/15
d)      7/15

58. The ratio of two complementary angle is 1 :5. What is the difference between the two angles?
a)      60◦
b)      90◦
c)      120◦
d)      Cannot be determined with the given data

59. What is the logarithm of 0.0001 with respect to base 10?
a)      4
b)      3
c)      -4
d)      -3

60. Consider the following statements
        I.            There is only one value of x in the first quadrant that satisfies sin x + cos x =2.
     II.            There is only one value of x in the first quadrant that satisfies sin x –cos x=0.
Which of the above is/are correct?
a)      Only I
b)      Only II
c)      Both I and II
d)      Neither I nor II

61. If x-2 is a factor of x³+kx²-2x-24, then what is the value of x?
a)      6
b)      5
c)      1
d)      -2

62. AB is a straight line. C is a point whose distance form AB is 3cm. what is the number of points which are at a distance of 1cm from AB and 5 cm from c?
a)      1
b)      2
c)      3
d)      4

63. The angle of elevation of the tip of a tower from a point on the ground is 45◦. Moving 21 m directly towards the base of the tower, the angle of elevation changes to 60◦. What is the height of the tower, to the nearest meter?
a)      48 m
b)      49 m
c)      50 m
d)      51 m

64. A circular ring with centre 0  is kept in the vertical  position by two weightless thin strings TP and TO attached to the ring at P and Q. the line OT meets the ring at E whereas a tangential string at E meets TP and TQ at A and B, respectively. If the radius of the ring is 5 cm and OT=13 cm, then what is the length of AB?
a)      10/3 cm
b)      20/3 cm
c)      10 cm
d)      40/3 cm

65. What is one of the square roots of 16x6-24x5-25x4-20x3+10x2-4x+1?
a)      4x3-3x2+2x+1
b)      4x3-3x2-2x-1
c)      4x3-3x2+2x-1
d)      4x3-3x2-2x+1

66. The cost of two articles are in the ration 3 : 5. If there is 30% loss on the first article and 20% gain on the second article, what is overall percentage of loss or gain?
a)      2.25% gain
b)      5.25% loss
c)      2% loss
d)      None of these

67. The number 58129745812974 is divisible by
a)      11
b)      9
c)      4
d)      None of these

68. What is the HCF of
36(3x4+5x3-2x2).9(6x3+4x2-2x), 54(27x4-x)?
a)      9x (x+1)
b)      9x(3x-1)
c)      18x(3x-1)
d)      18x(x+1)

69. What is the length of the uniform wire of diameter 0.4 cm that can be drawn from a solid sphere of radius 9 cm?
a)      243 m
b)      240 m
c)      60.75 m
d)      60 m

70. What will be the cost of plaster the inner surface of a well 14 m deep and 4 m in diameter at the rate of Rs 25 per sq m?
a)      Rs 4000
b)      Rs 4200
c)      Rs 4400
d)      Rs 5400

71. A Wheel of radius 2.1 m of a vehicle makes 75 revolutions in 1 min. what is the speed of the vehicle?
a)      78 km/h
b)      59.4 km/4
c)      37.4 km/h
d)      35.4 km/h

72.If a positive integer leaves remainder 28 when divided by 143, then what is the remainder obtained on dividing the same number by 13?
a)      0
b)      2
c)      9
d)      10

73. What is the compound interest on Rs 1600 at 25% per annum for 2yr compounded annually?
a)      Rs 700
b)      Rs 750
c)      Rs 800
d)      Rs 900

74. The graphs of ax + by = c, dx + ey =f will be
         I.            Parallel if the system has no solution
       II.            Voincident if the system has finite number of solutions.
    III.            Intersecting if the system has only one solution
Which of the above statements are correct?
a)      Only I and II
b)      Only II and III
c)      Only I and III
d)      I, II and III

75. The medians of ΔABC intersect at G. Which one of the following is correct?
a)      Five times the area of Δ AGB is equal to four times the area of ΔABC.
b)      Four times the area of ΔAGB is equal to three times the area of Δ ABC
c)      Three times the area of Δ AGB is equal to the area of ΔABC.
d)      None of above.
76. If x lies in the first quadrant and cos x = 5/13, what is the value of tan x – cot x?
a)      -139/60
b)      139/60
c)      119/60
d)      None of these

77. In the quadrilateral ABCD shown below, <DAB=<DCX=120◦. If <ABC =105◦,what is the value of <ADC?                                                         X


                        A                                             B
a)      45◦
b)      60◦
c)      75◦
d)      95◦

78. In the figure below AO=CD where O is the centre of the circle. What is the value of <APB?

                                 A                                                B

                                       C                     D

a)      60◦
b)      50◦
c)      45◦
d)      30◦

79. In the Figure given below < ABC = <AED=90◦.
Consider the following statements
        I.            ABC and ADE are similar triangles.
     II.            The four points B,C,E and D may lie on a circle.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?




                                                            C                                 B
a)      Only I
b)      Only II
c)      Both I and II
d)      Neither I nor II

80. If 3x+y=81  and 81x-y=3, then what is the value of x ?
a)      17/16
b)      17/8
c)      17/4
d)      15/4

81. Consider the following.
         i.            Cot 30◦+1 =2(cos 300◦+1)
cot 30◦-1
  II. 2 sin 45◦cos 45◦-tan 45◦cot 45◦=0
Which of the above identities is/are correct?
a)      Only I
b)      Only II
c)      Both I and II
d)      Neither I nor II

82. If 3 sin x + 5 cos x=5, then what is the value of (3cos x- 5 sin x)?
a)      0
b)      2
c)      3
d)      5
83. How many numbers between -11 and 11 are multiples of 2 or 3?
a)      11
b)      14
c)      15
d)      None of these

84. If A ={x : x is an even natural number},
          B ={x : x is a natural number and multiple of 5} and
          C ={x : x is a natural number and multiple of 10},
a)      {10,20,30,….)
b)      {5, 10,15, 20,…)
c)      {2,4,6…….}
d)      20,40,60,……}

85. If a set A contains 60 elements and another set B contains 70  elements and there are 50 elements in common, then how many elements does A O B contain?
a)      130
b)      100
c)      80
d)      70

86. What is the mean proportional between (15+√200) and (27-√648)?
a)      4
b)      14√7
c)      3√5
d)      5√3

87. A stock of food is enough for 240 men for 48 days. How long will the same stock last for 160 men?
a)      54 days
b)      60days
c)      64days
d)      72 days

88. If  and then what is the value of ?
a)      3/2
b)      5
c)      2/3
d)      1/5

89. The locus of the mid-points of all equal chords in a circle is
a)      The circumference of the circle concentric with the given circle and having  radius equal to the length of the chords
b)      The circumference of the circle concentric with the given  circle and having radius equal to the distance of the chords form the centre
c)      The circumference of the circle concentric with the given circle and having radius equal to half of the radius of the given circle
d)      The circumference of the circle concentric with the given circle and having radius equal to half of the distance of the chords from the centre.

90. If the outer and inner diameters of a stone parapet around a well are 112 cm and 70 cm respectively , then what is the area of the parapet?
a)      264 sq cm
b)      3003 sq cm
c)      6006 sq cm
d)      24024 sq cm

91. What is the value of 0.007+17.83+310.0202?
a)      327.86638
b)      327.86638
c)      327.86683
d)      327.8668

92. A man losses 20% of his money. After spending 25% of the remainder, he has Rs 480 left. What is the amount of money he originally had?
a)      Rs 600
b)      Rs 720
c)      Rs 800
d)      Rs 840

93. Assuming that profit of a shopkeeper in a particular commodity is a linear expression of transportation charge (t) and the quantity of commodity (q). he earns a profit of Rs 10000 by selling 20 units at the transport charge of Rs 400. He also earns a profit of Rs 12000 by selling 25 units at the transport charge of Rs 600. What is the linear expression in t and q?
a)      600q -5t
b)      500q -4t
c)      600q–4t
d)      500q-5t

94. If x:y=7:5, then what is the value of
a)      5/4
b)      6/5
c)      25/31
d)      31/42

95. The sum of two numbers is 232 and their HCF is 29. What is the number of such pairs of numbers satisfying the above condition ?
a)      One
b)      Two
c)      Four
d)      None of these

96. A person bought 8 quintal of rice for certain rupees. After a week, he sold 3 quintal of rice at 10% profit, 3 quintal of rice with neither profit nor loss and 2 quintal at 5 % loss. In this transaction, what is the profit?
a)      10%
b)      20%
c)      25%
d)      None of these

97. What is the angle of elevation of the sun when the shadow of a pole is √3 times the length of the pole?
a)      30◦
b)      45◦
c)      60◦
d)      None of these

98. x4+xy3+x3y+xz3+y4+yz3 is divisible by
a)      (x-y) only
b)      (x3+y3+z3) only
c)      Both (x+y) and (x3+y3+z3)
d)      None of these

99. ‘A’ can do a piece of work in ‘x’ days and ’B’ can do the same work 3x days. To finish the work together they take 12days. What is the value of ‘x’?
a)      8
b)      10
c)      12
d)      16

100. ABCD is a rectangle. Let E be a point on AB and F a point on CD such that DE is parallel to BF. If AE=3 c, and if the area of ΔBFC=6 sq cm.
Consider the following statements.
I. Area of rectangle ABCD can be of the form pq2 sq cm where p,q are distinct primes.
II. Area of the figure EBCD is of the form r2 sq cm , where r is rational but not an integer.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
a)      Only I
b)      Only II
c)      Both I and  II
d)      Neither I nor II

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